Some Inn On Regol


First day up now early so there's a chance the sun, the sounds of daylight first thing in the morning chiming in might bring something different; Nic sweats more likely. Nic sweats and dried out eyes and dawn capsizing,

there it is you will find yourself alarmed, there's no other way to describe it; every little pathway will declared you will find no wonder in the world but there on the road to some image were there is no childhood again.

And there won't even be the sound of birds come to think of it. you'll be staring up at the wires
looking for signs of things you remember,

like staying out until the sun goes down, And thinking of who will be sleeping in the alleys with the wind will be coming through (redacted).

So that's the view in this place, it's like a trail of blood going up the road; and you here, like a bird in a little nest on the battlefield,

who exactly sets up the black recording apparatus; so close and so drawn up to the nest. Who will post the footage and say they have seen a ghost.

Who even knows the reason as you look in the mirror the chatter and the sounds of daylight are far away