Some Inn On Regol

Death (Part Four) poem

Fish-oil, magnesium, potato-eaters

vent your spleen

the houses aren't enough

the articles aren't enough

no boy in this land

can say where the long handed Gods

have moved on

turned aside and fell worse than Peter

across the centuries

There come the countless injuries

and we make genuflection

We men who've learned to glut ourselves on curses

I'll take up a weapon for this

Spite in the alleys

In the swimming streets at night

They swim with the novelty of fear

"They", but am one of them

And if I knew death

I'm not really wiser

Than throughout the years

One of those buildings faces unchanging

Looking out over the river waiting

As if spread out to the crack of doom

The deserted streets will be able to hear it

It will come through their nervous system

And make them scarper

In thunder and lightning

I put my hand on the wall

In a familiar spot

I try to catch my breath

There's really little difference between these streets and I

Both have grown unnerved

The rags on our lines drying out in the morning

It would be sweet to sleep in the belly

Of what we can know

3:32 am

Won't you come?

I don't know what's wrong with me

I tried my best to put my mind on something else

But you know...

I watched you go to the door

And age ten years as you crossed the threshold

You would hardly notice it

I have seen you walk as if you were going somewhere

While all doors were closed to you

You weren't able to stop until you reached the sea