Some Inn On Regol

Death (Part One) Poem

I make my way through rain and fog

Dead sea on the mooned streets

Blood taints the Earth

In bog and alleyway and den

Though never have I need of friend

Motionless, cold among stones

Cruel mistress, buzz-kill

Take this chalice

Drink deep and sup

Our pride like jewels

I travel through the wilderness wide

And bear my pain to all but the breeze

My master has a voice that's shrill

His hand is round my collar saying

You kill you kill you kill

Is there anyone to take this in?

I have taken up with a butcher

On the blood-soaked saw-dust floor

In the corner of the room I drink my milk

The liver and hearts dangle over me

Like amethysts, the same old meal

Visions play of war,

Upset our lily-livered stomache

"Where are your guns?" you turnaround

And read the latest report

From the valley of the black pig

Common sense clogs up your veins

O man will burst like an animal in death throes

And liquidate yourself in the meat-clogged water

Before you wake up

So do I feel eating whatever's in this bread

The butcher is cutting through the rind

His shark-fin parts the flesh-like sea

I have a dream about myself going to sleep

In the sun-filled shop

The people stream

Are thirsty to buy meat, half-asleep

I serve them the refuse

They buy it while they can

Come round again to brown paper bags, dark and bloody

I will do this for a while it seems

When there is no other place for me

The sun storms

Petals float

In the sky like blood


And the television

It Sparks, the screen roars

But no-one's watching anymore

The phones have all died down

News drips down from a golden cup

Like stagnant water

Your hate has got to be stronger than your fear

I take mine through out onto the empty harbour

Where everyone is wide awake

They have taken all our cans of food

And even lowlifes such as I

Are aware that they have upped the stakes

Sun God who puts the light out

Now there are no pundits left to listen to

You blotted out the man on the news

Some will drown and float in the water

But I will raise a glass to high Heaven