Some Inn On Regol

Dream #1

I was struggling to catch a bus at first, as they kept driving by me. I wa son that long main road I was talking about before, the recurring one, but I was stranded somewhere far would from the city centre. Who knows what city one is in in dreams anyway.

I suppose I got a bus at some point, and I was hanging around up near the drivers door, probably hitting the vape.

What does it mean to be always dreaming about busses? It's not strange to be in transit as a child, but now I rarely get buses. If I do travel it's always by either tram or train, very rarely bus.

I can only assume the bus is something strong from childhood, reliable. You can talk to a bus driver to try and figure out where you are. It would have been a bus I often took to school and later to college. My friends father was also a bus driver and he died a few years ago. But I'm not sure it's got anything to do with that. I'm not sure I recognise the driver.

Always in the dream I'm trying to get back somewhere and am far away.

Another recurring one, is on these excursions I sometimes stay in a hotel room, one in particular is like a collection of rooms located somewhere off that main road, almost like a garage off a motorway.