Some Inn On Regol

Death (Part Two) Poem

Nearly afraid to drink a cup of tea

After exhausting pornography

That brown coating on the tongue

Unfurled itself like rotten plums

Rest is in a far off place

You can't begin to contemplate

Dreampt of time being hewn in a wood

Though precious as anything, it's understood

The mind can go dark and wasteful

And fall even with sun coming through the blinds

Think of all the things you shouldn't say

About women as I brought myself to Brussel bay

The sky stretched warm as sea-weed overhead

Over the huts and sun-lit visages of the dead

Here is where a girl with her toe in the water

There real enough to be someone's daughter

Have you ever wanted to write this scene?

Would you steal down and ask her how it goes?

"Do you remember coming down by this pier?"

"All day just to watch the ocean passing by"

"have you marked the way the sun was coming down like a flare?" (it did you know, we all seen it)

She looked at me:

"I haven't got the time anymore to be scared"

"I have tea in the house, I'm just a butcher currently, but I don't always want to be; at least, I don't always plan to be"

"Then maybe I'll see you for tea sometime" she said.

Her dress was the Summers amusement, and I walked by.

Alone afterward, along the yellow steps,

Past the beach front ads I followed the smell of hops

Followed it until the light went out in me

I just want something to drink, I thought

And this will never come round again
